Inner Pilgrimage (Part II)


As we collectively weather the whirlwind of change, overwhelming or unprocessed emotions may be felt as physical symptoms in the body. By establishing regular practices to listen inside, one develops a way to center- to connect, ground, move, release, or transform trapped or frozen emotions and energy.

In Chinese Medicine, unprocessed emotions which manifest as mysterious physical symptoms speak to the realm of the po spirits. The po are connected to one’s animal instincts, physical sensation, and subconscious material. They are related to the physical embodiment of spirit- the corporeal soul- and are connected to the metal element. The po are the yin aspect of spirit, live in the lungs, and circulate between the lungs and large intestine. When healthy, the po anchor the yang aspects of spirit and extract what is of value from our life experiences. There are many ways to nourish the po- though feeding the senses, movement practices, conscious breathing, engaging with nature, spending time with animals.

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Inner Pilgrimage (Part I)


”Within my body are all the sacred places of the world, and the most profound pilgrimage I can ever make is within my own body.”



Just as life speaks to us through the senses and nature, the body speaks to us through sensation and symptom. Learning to understand and appreciate the language of the body comes through a fine tuning of the inner ear and senses to hear the truth speaking from deep within. There is a certain kind of poetry expressed in symptoms- a distilled, clear and creative flow of felt experience, symbolism, and metaphor that encompasses more than words alone. It is the language of the soul speaking from ancient archetypal wisdom that can open us to a whole new world- one that is rich with its own mythology of meaning and support.

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I Ching Hexagram 5 Hsü / Waiting (Nourishment)

Water Above Heaven


“When clouds rise in the sky, it is a sign it will rain. There is nothing to do but to wait until the rain falls. It is the same in life when destiny is at work. We should not worry and seek to shape the future by interfering in things before the time is ripe.” 1


It is no simple task to wait.

When in the midst of overwhelm, discomfort, and strong emotions it is second nature to want to ‘do’ something. Sometimes immediate action is the necessary and appropriate course of measure. Yet there are times where immediate action would be premature, thus interfering with a larger wisdom trying to emerge. At such times we can use our will to be still and wait, as we open to the greater mystery.

The will is associated with the water element and the zhi spirit and resides in the kidneys. When harmonized, the zhi nourishes the life within us that is associated with our soul’s purpose and is guided by the heart. The heart houses the shen spirit and is related to joy, awareness, compassion, love. Shock and trauma can cause the shen to flee from the heart like birds from their nest. When the shen have left and the zhi is depleted, it is difficult to meet life with vitality, clarity and wisdom. There are ways that one can work with this.

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