Becoming Immense
“…one no longer thinks of the Return to the One in terms of survival of the self but, rather, the survival of the One.”
The Alchemical I Ching, William Douglas Horden
We have been living for centuries within structures which separate us from the earth, our bodies, hearts, souls, and one another. We are dancing in the flames of a troubled world where ancient wounds are continuously re-triggered amidst the on-going traumas that have become routine to everyday life.
There is no where left to hide. We feel the effects in body, psyche, spirit and soul, even if we are unaware.
Healing can no longer be approached as an individual matter, but one in which relatedness, interconnectedness to the earth, and other-than-human beings is central.
The alchemical fires are burning hot and there are ways to stabilize in the immensity of the changes happening. We can learn to become large enough to endure the chaos of change while sensing into what is trying to emerge through it all—to follow the creative spirit endlessly creating and recreating, mutating and sporulating through embodied life and listen for what is true at the heart of it all.
Through simple, consistent devotions we can develop the capacity to become immense 1. We become vessels of transformation through tending our true needs, by prioritizing time to inhabit our body fully, stilling ourselves for periods of time, disengaging from incessant mind chatter, and by engaging in a reciprocal on-going relationship with the earth and our ancestors each day.
Our lives depend on it. Continue reading “Becoming Immense”